Advance your career by improving your business writing.

  • Comprehensive

    Seven hours of instruction that focuses on the top mistakes that writers make at work--and how to avoid them. We're talking clear, concise and convincing memos, reports, proposals. And let's not forget emails.

  • Learn, practice, repeat

    Most business writing courses expect you to learn once in a classroom what you can only learn through repetition and practice. This course let's you repeat any lesson until you've nailed it. You read that correctly.

  • Learn on your schedule

    Study from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. Watch the lessons, complete the exercises and download the resources from anywhere. Even Tuktoyaktuk has wi-fi. Just saying.

  • Lifetime access

    Enjoy unlimited access to every lesson, every exercise, every checklist, every helpful resource and every lesson transcript. You take the course with you wherever you go. That new corner office, for example.

  • Convenient

    The Online Business Writing Course is delivered as a series of on-demand video lessons. Each lesson includes a downloadable transcript, helpful for reading on the train or in Starbucks. Ciao.

  • No travel

    Study right where you are, on any device: desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. No traffic. No parking. No airport security. No hotel. No jet lag. No need to even leave your office (sorry about that).

The Online Business Writing Course.

Advance your career by improving your business writing.

Your success in business depends on your ability to communicate.

Want to get ahead in your career? Learn to write well.

Hi there,

If you can’t write clearly, you won’t get hired. And if can’t write clearly, you won’t last long enough in a position to be considered for promotion. If you want to get ahead in your career, you must learn to write well.

Welcome to The Online Business Writing Course. I’m your instructor, Alan Sharpe. I teach business people around the world how to write clearly, concisely and convincingly. I landed my first paying writing assignment in 1987, and I taught my first business writing workshop in 1989. Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of individuals advance their careers by improving their business writing. Now I’d like to help you.

The Online Business Writing Course is divided into seven modules:

  • Module one is an introduction to the world of business writing
  • Module two teaches you the first step in business writing—how to organize your thoughts
  • Module three teaches you the second step in business writing—writing your first draft
  • Module four teaches you the third and final step in business writing—editing your first draft
  • Module five is a grammar refresher
  • Module six teaches you how to polish your punctuation
  • Module seven is the final module in the course. We look at the most common documents that you write at work, and how to write each one.

Ideal student?
The ideal student for The Online Business Writing Course is anyone who wants to advance their career by improving their writing. If you want to get hired, or if you want to get promoted, and if poor writing is holding you back, then this course is for you.

The Online Business Writing Course is practical
I pass on to you all that I’ve learned about effective business writing during my last three decades as a writer, editor and proofreader. I show you the most common mistakes that business people make in their writing today—and then I show you how to avoid these blunders in your writing.

The Online Business Writing Course is convenient
It’s delivered as a series of on-demand video lessons. Each lesson includes a downloadable transcript, helpful for reading on the train or in your spare time.

You learn on your schedule
Study from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. Watch the lessons, complete the exercises and download the resources from anywhere. 

Enjoy lifetime access
You get unlimited access to every lesson, every exercise, every checklist, every helpful resource and every lesson transcript. Wherever you go in your career, the course goes with you.

Learn more
Learn more about The Online Business Writing Course by reviewing the course description and frequently asked questions below. Watch the free preview lessons. Read the reviews from my satisfied students. Then enroll today.



Eight ways you benefit by taking this course.

 1. You improve a "threshold skill"

Your success in business depends on your ability to communicate. The number-one skill that’s indispensable to leadership is communication. To become a leader in your profession or industry, you must speak and write like a leader.

A survey of 120 major American corporations employing nearly eight million people concludes that, in today’s workplace, writing is a “threshold skill” for hiring and promotion among salaried employees. Effective business writing is your ticket to professional opportunity. Poor writing is your ticket to oblivion. In today’s competitive business climate, effective writing is your ticket in—or your ticket out.

2. You advance your career
If you can’t write and communicate clearly, you can’t get hired. And you won’t last long enough in a position to be considered for promotion. Half of all companies take writing ability into account when making promotion decisions. You can’t move up without writing skills.

3. You sell your ideas
We have the electric light bulb today because Edison persuaded others to finance his ideas and bring them to fruition. All brilliant inventions start in someone’s head, but the only ones that make it to market are the ones the inventor can communicate to stakeholders in writing. When you improve your business writing skills, you improve your ability to sell your ideas to others, whether team members, management or investors.

4. You accomplish more
Effective communicators have more hours in their day because they don’t waste time explaining in a second email what they meant in the first. They don’t waste time writing nine pages of information when two are sufficient. Effective business communicators accomplish more.

5. You boost your credibility
Grammatical mistakes in your emails, reports and PowerPoint presentations are deadly. So are spelling mistakes. They make you appear unprofessional and ignorant. Improving your grammar, spelling and punctuation improves your credibility. Effective business writing builds strong relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers.

6. You write fewer emails
Check your email inbox. Do you see email subject lines that look like this “Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Q1 Financial Results?” If you do, you likely have a problem with clarity. Your emails are not clear. That’s why you go back and forth so many times with your readers, explaining what is clear to you but not clear to them. One of the greatest advantages of improving your business writing skills is that you write emails once and then move on to other things.

7. You satisfy your customers
Have you ever received a phone call from your insurance broker, asking why you have not responded to his letter, and you have no clue what he’s talking about? The fault was likely theirs. They did not communicate clearly enough in their letter what they wanted you to do. So you laid their letter aside, thinking it was for information only. And now your insurance broker is on the phone, making himself clear and making you angry at the same time. Poor communication leads to poor customer relations. Satisfactory communication leads to satisfied customers.

8. You increase sales
You can lose a sale on paper just as easily as you can lose one in person. Say too much. Don’t say enough. Confuse your prospect. Craft perplexing proposals. The sure way to improve your sales is to improve your writing.

You'll be a better writer in no time. Well, in a lot of time, actually.

52 lessons. 7 hours of expert instruction. Bring coffee.

  • Module 1: Introduction to business writing

    Module one is an introduction to the world of business writing. Lesson one explains why you should avoid “corporate speak” and the bureaucratic style.

    Lesson two examines six qualities of good business writing.

    Lesson three discusses the value of writing with a “you-centred” approach.

    In lesson four, we look at “tone,” and how you need to set the right tone in your writing.

    Lesson five looks at four types of sentences, and how they differ from each other.

  • Module 2: Organize your thoughts

    Module two teaches you the first step in business writing—how to organize your thoughts.

    In lesson six, you learn the steps you need to take to plan your writing project.

    Lesson seven teaches you the value of starting every writing assignment with your reader in mind.

    In lesson eight, we discuss why you shouldn’t start writing until you know your goal.

    In lesson nine, I show you a simple way to use Microsoft Word to outline your message before you start writing.

    In lesson ten, you learn the different ways to structure your message.

    Lesson eleven is all about style, and how to choose the right style based on your topic and your audience.

    Lesson twelve is the final lesson in this module. We look at tone and persona, and why you need to pick the right tone and the right persona, depending on your reader.

  • Module 3: Write your draft

    Module three teaches you the second step in business writing—writing your first draft.

    Lesson thirteen deals with the vital matter of getting to your point quickly.

    Lesson fourteen explains how to write in simple sentences.

    Lesson fifteen is all about paragraphs—what they are, how they work, and how they are the secret to writing persuasively.

    Lesson sixteen is about the value of using simple words instead of fancy words.

    Lesson seventeen looks at verbs, and why you must prefer strong verbs over weak verbs.

    In lesson eighteen, you and I look at why you must keep related words together in your sentences.

    In lesson nineteen, I describe how to make your writing specific rather than general.

    In lesson twenty, I describe how to make your writing concrete rather than abstract.

    In lesson twenty-one, I describe how to make your writing definite rather than ambiguous.

    And in lesson twenty-two, the last lesson in this module, we look at the passive voice and the active voice, and why you should prefer the active voice.

  • Module 4: Edit your draft

    Module four teaches you the third and final step in business writing—editing your first draft.

    Lesson twenty-three teaches you how to eliminate needless words from your writing.

    Lesson twenty-four shows you the value of using parallel structure in your business writing.

    Lesson twenty-five tells you about the most common grammatical mistakes that people make in their business writing—and how to avoid them.

    Lesson twenty-six looks at common mistakes that business people make when crafting sentences.

    Lesson twenty-seven looks at the most common mistakes business writers make with commas and apostrophes, and how to avoid them.

    In lesson twenty-eight, you and I look at six categories of words you must eliminate from your draft before you print it or email it.

    Lesson twenty-nine is the final lesson in this module. It’s a handy checklist of mistakes to look for when proofreading your document.

  • Module 5: Improve your grammar (lessons available July 9)

    Module five is a grammar refresher. Over the space of five lessons, I show you how to use capitalization properly, how to avoid shifts in verb tense, how to match your pronouns with their antecedents, how to make sure your subjects and verbs agree, and how to avoid misplaced modifiers.

  • Module 6: Polish your punctuation (lessons available July 9)

    Module six teaches you how to polish your punctuation. There are ten lessons in this module, each lesson teaching you how to use one piece of punctuation. You’ll learn how to use parentheses, ending punctuation, elipses, dashes, hyphens, quotation marks, apostrophes, colons, semi colons and commas.

  • Module 7: Put it all together (lessons available July 16)

    Module seven is the final module in the course. We look at the most common documents that you write each day at work, and we discuss how to write each one.

    Lesson forty-five is all about writing better emails.

    In lesson forty-six, you learn how to write effective reports.

    In lesson fifty-seven, you learn how to organize and structure business reports.

    Lessons forty-eight and forty-nine teach you how to organize and write effective memos.

    Lessons fifty and fifty-one are about business proposals—how to outline them, structure them, and write them.

    Lesson fifty-two is the last lesson in the course. We look at how to write effective letters.

Start now.

Improve your business writing from anywhere, anytime. With lifetime access to all lessons and course materials. Start The Online Business Writing Course now.

Get started now

Your Instructor.

  • Alan Sharpe

    Owner, Clear at Work

    Alan Sharpe

    Alan Sharpe didn’t discover that he wanted to teach online business writing and presentation skills courses until he had first fought in the Falklands War, traveled with the circus, lived in a snow hole, taught children with disabilities how to downhill ski and lived in Jane Fonda’s old house in Paris.

    Today, Alan teaches business people how to speak and write clearly, concisely and convincingly. He writes a weekly column, Clear at Work.

    Alan learned the craft of effective business communication as an editor who had to translate government documents from bureaucratese into English.

    Alan has taught sales writing at the university level and has published over 210 articles, 25 handbooks and five books on the topics of effective writing and fundraising letter writing.

    Alan has taught public and private workshops and teleseminars on effective writing in Canada and the United States for such organizations as the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Canadian Marketing Association and the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.

    Alan Sharpe landed his first paying writing assignment in 1987 and taught his first business writing workshop in 1989. In the intervening years, Alan has helped hundreds of clients improve their written communication. He has spoken at annual conferences of national associations on both sides of the US/Canada border. Below is a partial list of businesses, non-profits and government departments Alan Sharpe has helped, either directly or through third parties who retained Alan’s services on behalf of their clients.

Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Who is this course for?

    The Online Business Writing Course is designed for business people who need to improve their writing at work.

  • What does the course cover?

    The Online Business Writing Course covers the three stages of business writing: Organization, Drafting, Editing. It also covers grammar and punctuation.

  • How is the course delivered?

    The Online Business Writing Course is delivered as a series of on-demand video lessons. You watch these lessons from anywhere that has an internet connection. Each lesson includes a downloadable transcript, helpful for reading on public transit or during your free time.

  • Is there a time limit for taking the course?

    There is no time limit for taking The Online Business Writing Course. You study at your own pace. And you enjoy lifetime access to every lesson, every exercise, every checklist, every helpful resource and every lesson transcript.

  • Are there tests or exams?

    Every module ends with a multiple-choice test to help you see how much you have understood and retained.

  • Will I submit assignments for marking or feedback?

    To keep the cost of this course so low, there are no written assignments. You do not receive feedback on your writing.

  • What if I am not satisfied?

    If you are not satisfied with The Online Business Writing Course, simply request a full refund at any time.

What your peers are saying . . .

Octavio Lima

"Valuable information."

Octavio Lima

"Alan delivers a great course as usual. Very easy to understand and with valuable information. A worthy buy for new copywriters such as myself and maybe even experienced ones." -- Student in my course, Copywriting for Beginners Part 1 of 3: Seven Vital Questions.
D'Miche Frazier

"So practical."

D'Miche Frazier

"Loved each lesson. For each lesson he gets to his point quick and easy then stays on point until he is done with it. He doesn't linger . . . creepily. He doesn't make anything complicated. You can apply his lessons to your cover letters and resumes, your sales career, your copywriting business, your personal life, etc. So practical. He has a nice sense of humor -- very witty. When you are done with one lesson you will find that you can't wait for the next to start. Thxx Alan Sharpe!" -- Student in my course, Copywriting Blunders: Do You Make these 10 Common Mistakes?
Arvind Punia

"Such a useful and effective course."

Arvind Punia

"Such a useful and effective course. The examples chosen to explain the concepts are brilliant. Sticking to one ad campaign really helped to understand the course. Alan has conveyed all the points with so much ease. His style of using the same concept explained in the video - in explaining the video, really helped in deepening the understanding and making it fun to learn." -- Student in my course, 30 Copywriting Secrets from the Best Ad Campaign of All Time.
Hazel Robinson

"Wonderful and truly brilliant course."

Hazel Robinson

"A wonderful and truly brilliant course ~ the instructor has delivered so much is within the time allocated. This course will certainly help me to market products and actually see results." -- Student in my course, Copywriting Blunders: Do You Make these 10 Common Mistakes?

Invest in something certain. Yourself.

Effective business writing is your ticket to professional opportunity. Your small investment today pays dividends for decades to come.

Start now.

Improve your business writing from anywhere, anytime. With lifetime access to all lessons and course materials. Start The Online Business Writing Course now.

Get started now